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Thread: Netop School v7

  1. #1

    Exclamation Netop School v7

    Hi! I'm working for a public school and I'm having a rough time with Netop School with the deployment part. We use Novell ZENworks to automate the deployment and installation part. The problem is that we are not able to just supply some answer file or MSI property to configure it the way I need it. Each time I have to use PacknDeploy and create the necessary config files for a student install in a specific classroom. Then I need to redo it for each classrooms. Finally, I need to redo everything for the teacher part for each classrooms. And no we don't have access to Vision 7. SO last time I check with the Netop support department they told me that Netop School v7 was on the way. Is there any news on the subject? Will it offer the capacity to deploy it via answer file or MSI properties. Or should I sadly begin to look for another application that can do the job as well as Netop School.

  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Received your request for info on the MSI issue. Dean, my US support person is on vacation this week but I will have him respond to your request when he returns on Monday the 11th of July. If you can fill out the support form on our web site at the following link, Dean can contact you directly.

  3. #3
    Dear Gboucher, thank you for sharing your experience with us. Your comments, requests and ideas are very valuable and help us improve our product. Regarding the deployment issue you are confronted with, I can assure you that we are currently working on a solution for you.

    As soon as I have an update, I will let you know.

    Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!

  4. #4
    Dear Gboucher, as promised, I come back with an update regarding your request. We are working on adding classroom name as command line argument at the installation time. The classroom name on the command line should set a property in the MSI file, that should trigger that a custom DLL function is called (which will modify the .ndb file with the specified classroom name). The tests are still in progress and I will get back to you with a result by the end of next week. Thank you so much for your patience and confidence
    Last edited by Gianina Aniela Casleanu; 07-12-2011 at 06:18 PM.

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