Hi, I'm an IT Tech and I work for a public school. In the last days I was asked to troubleshoot why Unity3D Pro 5.3.2f1 & 5.3.3f1 were crashing when we try to launch/use the application. After some tests I found out that as soon as I uninstall the Student module from NetOP Vision Pro (8.6.2 to 9.1.0) then the application Unity3D works correctly. But when the student module is present, even if it's not running at the time, then Unity3D crash. And I don't have this problem on the Teacher computer. Only the Student module force Unity3D to crash. It's really easy to duplicate. And it's not the only program that have problem with the student module. When the application Blackmagic Design Fusion 7.7.1 (Freeware) is install you will see that the QuickTime plugin under Preferences > I/O is missing. It seems that NetOP Vision Pro Student have more problems than the old NetOP School Student version. Am I the only one seeing this?

Have a good day!