On October 7 we released an update for Learning Center for Vision Pro.

This release focuses on three areas:
  1. Making it easier to set up and get started with Learning Center.
  2. Improving the existing assessment content type by introducing interactive video assessment.
  3. Introducing new types of content: survey and poll.

The release also features changes and updates that are mostly related to Vision ME (to be released later this month)
Related to item 1): the release features a major user interface update with the Admin Menu being replaced by a Teacher View with tiles for the main activities that teachers will do in Learning Center when preparing for lessons. The tiles have pictures or icons and on mouse-over a short text explains what the tile is for.

With this release we are also changing the name from “Vision Pro Learning Center” to “Learning Center” and changing the product icon. These changes were introduced because Learning Center is a component of both Vision Pro and of Vision ME.